Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Can you help local sports coverage?

Hi All

As you may have noticed the Local Guardian has cut sport coverage leaving South London and Surrey clubs in something of a media black hole. I’ve come up with an idea to try and fill the gap and give local sport the coverage it deserves.

It’s a simple idea really – a sort of ‘by the fans for the fans’ type website where all local teams are covered in the same place, the way it was with YLG Sport. It would need supporters from each local club covered to write and send in articles such as match reports, interviews, and columns all relevant to their side.

The website would I suppose start out as a free website (blogspot for example) but the simple fact that pretty much all local sport coverage would be concentrated on the website would hopefully help it grow and gain a large readership. It could potentially grow further in the future, maybe even into print itself who knows?

If anyone has any thoughts on this idea, or would be happy to help with the coverage for 
your club, drop me an email at ‘johnnielowery@tiscali.co.uk’

Johnnie Lowery (Fox in the Box Productions)